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I'm not sure specifically that I want that continue study after I finish my sociology degree. But sometime I think about study an degree as journalism, because I like the national and international contingency, the jouralistic investigation, the investigation in field, etc. Although this would mean pay for other degree, study 4 or 5 years, more, and I don't know if I can pay or start a new project. Furthermore, this year I meat some Mexican students of doctorate in agronomy who have invited me to continue my studies of postgraduate in Mexico trough state scholarships from the Mexican government for students of foreigners, the idea is to link economic sociology with agricultural production. This idea I like to much because I’m interested in meat the farming experience in other countries. The true is that I’m really interested in the regional decentralization, the education, economic productions, and the social reality of the regional localities for know the problems and solve them. That is why I would also like to go to Europe to deepen social studies about movements, actors, education, etc.
As already mentioned, I would very much like to go to Europe to the Sorbonne university in France, or some university in Madrid or Switzerland. But to go to Europe I need to raise more money so I think about working after going to Mexico and maybe doing a PhD in Europa.
Resultado de imagen para graduados


  1. Hi!, I consider that to travel to other country to continue your studies, it's a great idea. Especially, if you want to know about the experiences in other countries. So I wish you good luck!


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