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Showing posts from April, 2018
When I was a child  I dreamed  of being a  famous singer that got to sing in Festival de Viña . I never thought  of becoming a social scientist, but I think that throughout my life my sense of justice led me to be a social scientist. I was not sure about what to study in the beginning, and I thought that to study anthropology was a  good option because I like to interact with people from other cultures and realities. Besides, I love to travel because I get to know the history of new places. But when I applied for the university my first option was anthropology and the second option was sociology, thinking that this degree would allow me to understand society and injustices  better. Therefore, it would give me the opportunity to make a change.   Finally, the university called to tell me that I had been admitted to the sociology major. My experience at university has been like a rollercoaster: stressful, exciting, dramatic and funny…haha! But, it has been a very interesting exp