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Showing posts from July, 2018
Hello classmates! Today I will talk about three important women in sociology. They are considered the mothers of sociology: Harriet Martineau, Beatrice Potter Webb, and Marianne Weber. They broke the canon of difficult times for the feminine gender, trying to demonstrate social thoughts with brilliance. Harriet Martineau was born in 1802 and died in 1876. She was an economist and British writer, beginning to publish at the age of 19. Her most important work is “illustration of economy politics”. She identified herself with the current of thought of John Locke. Beatrice Potter Webb was born in 1858 and died in 1943. She was a sociologist and British  economist   influenced by Herbert Spencer, friend of her father. Working with her father she began to sympathize with the socialist thought, seeking to solve the problems of the working class. Along with her husbandshe published  “the history of syndicalism”  in 1894 . Years later, when traveling to de Soviet Union, she